Special Correspondant:
Today, 15 January, was the 2nd day of the three-day-long festival happening on MGGHS premises. The festival is being organized by the students and for the students.
The students have set up stalls in their classrooms where they are selling various products and mouth-watering, delicious foods. The majority of the foods appeared to be winter delicacies like Pitha, Payesh, etc. as it is best suitable for the ongoing season. Other foods like chicken and vegetable rolls, noodles, Bhorta, spaghetti, Fuchka, Jhalmuri, momo, etc. were available at the festival stalls as well. Various Indigenous products like Shari, pottery, handmade pieces of jewelry, and others were also part of the products showcased at the students’ stalls. The teachers can buy from the students’ stalls.
The festival offers the students a chance to showcase their leadership and entrepreneurship and nurture positive skills. It is also a significant gateway for practical learning for the students of the Business Studies department.
The festival, however, is not open to outsiders.